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Chakra opening meditation

10-Minute Meditation to Balance Chakras

By Richard J Oldale,
July 23, 2020

This is a very simple 10-minute meditation to open your chakras. You can perform it in as little as ten minutes. If you’re new to meditation, practice this chakra-opening ritual every day for a week and you will start to notice a difference.

Chakras 7 symbolism

The chakra system is seven energy centres that flow up from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These energy points facilitate certain areas of the body and are responsible for health and healing.

Furthermore, the health of the chakras is determined by your thoughts, emotions and actions. They are essentially a reflection of how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Chakras typically close and fall out of sync because of negative emotions and personality traits. 

The cause of this imbalance is not entirely your fault – and don’t worry, it is fixable.

In the West, closed chakras typically arise because of the way society is designed. There is a widespread lack of communication about the power of these energy centres, even to the point that people – including physicians – don’t believe they really exist.

I will explain a little more about why energy centres and holistic healing practices, in general, are ignored in the West in this article. If you would prefer to focus solely on the meditation, skip to the abridged meditation here.

Anybody that meditates and knows how to balance and open their chakras will – and can – tell you differently. The seven principal energy centres are typically called ‘pressure points‘ in Western medicine.

Fortunately, the healing abilities of positive thinking and directing chi energy are becoming recognised by an increasing number of medical practitioners. “Trained” doctors are finally taking cues from holistic healers who have been degraded since the turn of the 20th century by reports and rumours commissioned by the likes of the Carnegie Institute and the Rockefeller Foundation.

“As with chiropractic, the history of homeopathy is intermingled with the history of the AMA (American Medical Association). In the 1840s, homeopathy became the most dominant form of alternative care in the united States. It is no coincidence that the 1840s also saw the early beginnings of the AMA. The AMA staunchly, and successfully, opposed the practice of homeopathy and enhanced the credibility of biomedicine. Then, in 1910, the Carnegies Foundation, in cooperation with the AMA, issued the Flexner. Report, which nearly destroyed homeopathy in the United States. By the mid 1930s, the last homeopathic college, the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia, ceased teaching homeopathy (Coulter, 1982” ~ Alternative Therapies: Expanding Options in Health Care, Rena J. Gordon, PhD, Barbara Cable Nienstedt DPA and Wilbert M. Gesler, PhD (1998).

Gradually, through simple 10-minute practices like this one, people are learning how meditation can help you to open and balance your chakras and bring more harmony into your life.

The Chakras and the Subconscious Mind

When the chakras are open and balanced, you attract happiness, fulfilment and harmony into your life. When the entire system is aligned you physically feel more positive and radiant.

The chakras are a reflection of how we see and feel about ourselves. But thoughts and emotions stem from the subconscious mind which tends to take control through habitual programs.  

Our thoughts and emotions are therefore habits that we have been conditioned to perform whilst growing up. The subconscious mind delivers what it thinks you want – which is not always what you need.

It is only when you are aware of how the subconscious mind works that you can train your conscious mind to send the right messages to the unconscious mind. Learning this meditation to open your chakras is only one way of communicating with your subconscious.

The unconscious mind stores and retrieves information like the hard drive on your computer. It processes around 11 million bits of raw data per second. This comes from sources such as media, advertising, TV, radio, conversation and every other experience you have from one day to the next.

This is why so many of us are angry, antagonistic, depressed, anxious, lacking hope and crippled by fear. 

It is not a coincidence that medical centres are receiving record numbers of patients suffering from anxiety and depression including students. 

How to Take Control of Your Thoughts and Actions

In comparison to the 400 billion bits of data processed by the subconscious per second, your conscious mind only processes about 40 bits of information per second. 

This information is the sum total of your experience and understanding of the world, and ultimately, who and what you think you are. It is from these 40 bits that perceptions create your understanding of reality and your ego develops.

The ego is the self-regulating mediator between the subconscious and the outer world. It is the seat of your objective identity and prompts you how to act in certain (programmed situations). 

The ego and its habitual programs can be very useful.

However, the ego is not always your friend. It typically bows to the whims of your habitual subconscious which in turn has often been deceived by external influences; (parents, teachers, media, political and religious leaders etc).

Therefore you need to take control of your conscious mind so that you can reprogram it with thoughts and emotions you want to experience instead of the trash poured over you by so-called “authorities.” 

Case in point: Look where Carnegie, Rockefeller and the AMA have gotten us to! –

“One person dies every 37 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease.” ~ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This 10-minute meditation to open your chakras and bring them into balance will help you lower stress levels. Lower levels of stress can help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

You can achieve power over your conscious mind by meditating on your chakra system and bringing the energies in line with positive emotional thoughts. 

With a little practice, you will eventually develop the qualities of character and emotion you desire and these energies will resonate throughout your chakra system. 

And then you will find you have more control over your thoughts, emotions and actions to create the world you want to live in, rather than this matrix of mayhem designed by people we call “Authority”.

A broken social structure = a broken chakra system.

You can make a start to preparing the social structure by fixing yourself first.

You may not be able to change the thinking of corrupt oligarchs but you can change the way you think about yourself and everybody else that lives in your world. 

And hopefully one day, enough people will be awakened and healthy enough to convince world decision-makers in medical institutions to stop taking advice from people with self-interested policies (step aside Carnegie, Rockefeller and Gates!)

10-Minute Meditation to Open Your Chakras

This 10-minute meditation exercise will take you through the entire body chakra system, explaining what each chakra represents and suggesting a mantra you can use to re-program your subconscious mind.

I typically start with my root chakra and work my way up to the crown chakra, but the path you take does not have to be in sequence. You may want to start with the crown and work your way down or pick energy points at random.

You can even use the mantras in this chakra meditation to focus on a particular energy point you feel you need to strengthen. If you want to concentrate on a specific emotion or character flaw you would like to purify, focus on that one point for 10 minutes.

  1. Start by taking in a long, deep breath through your nose. Continue breathing until you feel a pull in the pit of your stomach. This is the tanden, the point ancient sages say is the centre of creation.
  2. Then exhale slowly through your nose, concentrating on the breath as it is expelled from your body.
  3. Breathe in again, noticing the breath and the rise of your stomach. Then exhale, watch the breath.
  4. Continue breathing in this way and stay with your breath for a minute. As you do this, ask yourself if it is okay to open your chakras and bring them into balance.
  5. If you are happy to continue, concentrate on the chakra you want to bring into balance simply by imagining the corresponding colour of the energy point. By repeating the mantra associated with each chakra described below you can will take the first step in reprogramming your subconscious.

Root Chakra (red)

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is related to stability; how secure you feel in yourself and around others. When open and balanced it eliminates fear and you feel grounded and confident. 

To open and balance the root chakra, bring your attention to the area around your groin and imagine a red light glowing around your genitals up into the lower part of your stomach. 

During meditation on the root chakra, concentrate your focus on the bright, red, glowing ball. Repeat this mantra:  

I am the master of my mind and have nothing to fear.

Sacral Chakra (orange)

Located a few inches under the belly button, the sacral chakra is the centre of self-love and is the colour of orange. Opening the chakra will make you feel emotionally balanced and optimistic.

During meditation on the sacral chakra, concentrate your focus between the rib cages, imagine a bright, orange orb and repeat this mantra: 

I love myself, the world and everything in it.

Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow)

The solar plexus chakra is located in between the lower rib cages and dominates willpower and self-direction. It is from here that you summon the strength and the courage to overcome obstacles. 

As its name suggests, the solar plexus is yellow and like the sun has immense energy to burn away any fear and negative thoughts that prevent you from achieving what you most desire.

Solar Plexus chakra

When the orange sacral chakra and the yellow solar plexus work “in tandem” they actually work in your “tanden”, the point the ancients say “is the centre of creation.” 

During meditation, imagine a fiery, yellow sphere in the centre of your ribs and repeat this mantra: 

I am confident in everything that I do and will overcome all challenges in my path.

Heart Chakra (green)

The heart chakra is green and governs love, compassion and generosity towards others. It is the most important and highest chakra of the four lower (physical) chakras. 

Located at the centre of the body’s energy field, the heart chakra connects the lower chakras to the higher chakras. You could say it’s HQ, the decision-maker that bridges the physical base consciousness with the forgotten higher consciousness. 

It is perhaps the hardest chakra to open, as breaking down the barriers of your heart depends on how much you have been hurt in the past. You must forgive whoever has caused your suffering and accept that whatever happened was a lesson from the higher self. 

When meditating on the heart chakra, focus on the centre of the chest and imagine a bright, green light emanating love, compassion and understanding for everything. Repeat this mantra: 

I am love and have compassion for everything. I accept myself for who I am, and accept that other people are different.

Throat Chakra (blue)

The throat chakra governs your honesty and ability to express yourself. It gives you the power and the strength to speak to anyone and be comfortable in their presence.

However, this gift is also fuelled by the three lower chakras. You will learn more about your throat chakra in situations where you tell little white lies and half-truths to impress people. 

This kind of behaviour is because you feel out of your depth and is a sign of overactive throat chakra. In reality, you have self-doubt and possibly a lack of self-worth.

An open and balanced throat chakra will make you feel comfortable speaking the truth about yourself or any subject to anybody. You speak eloquently and confidently without hesitation.

When performing this meditation to open your chakras, focus your attention on the throat and imagine a glowing blue ball giving you the inspiration to speak smoothly and freely.

Repeat this mantra:

I am confident in my words and opinions and can speak freely without hesitation

Third-Eye Chakra (Indigo)

For many practitioners of self-realisation, the third-eye chakra is one that perhaps receives the most attention. It is the third eye chakra that gives us an increased awareness of intuition and telepathy. 

The latest theory by online sources is that the third-eye chakra is located in the thalamus at the centre of your head, and is believed to be the pineal gland, although this is unproven by science. 

If you squeeze the bridge of your nose where it meets your forehead, you will feel a light pulse of energy. That is your third-eye chakra. It will open your mind to new worlds, new perceptions and new opportunities.

Third-eye chakra

Through your third eye, you will have visions that reflect what you are facing in your life right now. Like dreams, they are profoundly symbolic and difficult to understand. Reading myths will help. I believe the sixth chakra is our mind’s eye.

To meditate on the third-eye chakra, imagine a blue orb in the centre of your forehead. The best way to open the third eye is through vibration. Repeat the mantra: 

Thoh (pronounced like toe in English). Let the sound vibrate.

Crown Chakra (violet/purple or white)

Located at the top of your head, the crown chakra is believed to be the antenna that connects our vibrational frequencies with our higher self and the morphic resonance field, also known as the Akashic records or the collective unconscious. 

Regardless of how you look at the crown chakra, it has a mystical or spiritual connection that cannot be rationally explained by modern science; only religious dogma. 

Essentially, the Sahasrara connects us with the vibrational energy of the universe and is the seat of intuitive knowledge and wisdom. When opened and balanced, we have a strong connection to our higher self and when closed suffer from disorder and chaos. 

Meditation of any kind is beneficial to the health of the crown chakra. Simply sitting still in silence helps you connect with your higher self. Therefore, there is no mantra. Just empty your mind and be in the present.

Performing this meditation to open your chakras for 10 minutes every day can have noticeable changes. If this is your initiation to mediation and balancing chakras, we trust you recognise the benefits and want to learn more.

The ability to heal by simply focusing on your chakra system is a powerful tool to have in your healing arsenal. And it is so simple to learn. Contact Master Mind Content today and learn our easy yet effective technique to align your chakras so you feel centred, balanced and ready for anything.

Richard Oldale
Master Mind Content is a leading authority in decoding ancient symbolism . Our research unveils the secrets to understanding and taking control of the the subconscious mind, channeling energy to self-heal and effectively using universal laws to fulfil your potential.

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